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ASADA Advisory for Thursday power outage Playas de Nosara ASADA

*We will coordinate our water service in response to the Thursday ICE electricity outage 7am to 5pm with the following schedule:

Wednesday night:

we will close tanks to recuperate at around 7pm.

Thursday morning around 4am:

We will open tanks for water supply. Pumps will go off when electricity does but tanks will remain open.

Thursday evening around 7:

*We will close tanks to recuperate levels for Friday water service.

Please consider very strict water conservation on Thursday as tanks will drain very quickly if a real community effort is not in place.

ASADA warning for power outage on Thursday

We will be coordinating our water service in response to Thursday's ICE power outage from 7 am to 5 pm with the following schedule:

Wednesday Night:

We will be closing the tanks for recovery around 7 p.m.

Thursday morning around 4a m. :

We will open tanks for water supply. The pumps will go off when electricity does, but the tanks will remain open.

thursday evening about 7

We will be closing tanks to restore levels for Friday's water service.

Consider very strict water conservation on Thursday as tanks will drain very quickly if a real community effort is not made.

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